Culture Information

Language and Culture

The official language is English - but many older people or rural people speak Afrikaans in addition to their own languages. Above all, German plays a major role where formerly immigrant Germans live - in central and southern Namibia. Certainly in larger places like Windhoek, Swakopmund and Lüderitzbucht.

Namibia is a multi-ethnic state, in which in addition to the official language dozens of other languages and dialects are spoken, depending on their cultural affiliation, which is roughly divided into:

50% Ovambo, 9% Kavango, 7% Herero, 7% Damara, 6% Germans, South Africans and British, 5% Nama, 4% Caprivians, 3% San, 2% Rehobot Baster, 0.5% Twana

Religion in Namibia

More than 80 percent of Namibians are Christians, which puts the country well above the African average. Of them are: 50% Lutherans, 20% Catholics, 5% members of the Dutch Reformed Church, 5% Anglicans

The remaining Christians are distributed among other smaller churches such as Baptists, Adventists, New Apostolic Christians and the American-born African Methodist Episcopal Church. Especially San, Himba and Caprivianer are followers of traditional nature religions. Islam plays no role in Namibia, the number of Muslims in Namibia is estimated at a few thousand.


The official language is English. Other national languages are Afrikaans, German, Khoekhoegowab, OshiKwanyama, Oshindonga, Otjiherero, RuKwangali and Silozi. These can be z. B. also be used in schools as a language of instruction. In addition, there are minority languages, some of which are difficult to distinguish from regional dialects. In Namibia over 30 languages are spoken.